Friday, 29 September 2017

Star image of my artist

The star image of our artist will be a teenager who will be appealing to the younger audience. He relates to both girls and boys because of his appearance and the way he takes drugs to get rid of some of the emotions he suffers from. Image result for kid cudi day n night original
As you can see, the artist in this video is wearing a casual outfit. This is similar to what our actor will be wearing as ours will also be wearing casual clothes including a beanie and a jacket. Our actor will also act similarly to this actor as he will be walking around various locations in London depressed. He will also be taking drugs at these locations to make him feel better. We will be using a fake pill (paracetamol) for this, as we have checked this is allowed.

Monday, 18 September 2017

Music videos similar to ours

This music video is very similar to what ours is going to look like. The song is made by the same artist as our song 'Kid Cudi.' The song mentions him taking drugs to get his mind off things, and he also mentions his loneliness without drugs and girls. The lighting is also very dark to resemble his dark feelings. The camera shots are similar to ours as he uses close ups to show that he feels like everyone's focusing on him, long shots to show his isolation and wide shots to show the mysterious things that go on in his head. There are also medium shots of him smoking by himself which we will be doing in our video. The editing will also be similar as shots fade into eachother which we will be doing in our music video. You also see the setting change when he takes the drugs and how some bright colours occur as it shows his mood has been boosted. He also lip synced very well, so you couldn't tell which is what we're hoping to do.

 The music video is similar to ours as Drake uses special effects and different lighting throughout this video. This is also what we are doing in our music video to present the feelings going through our artists head at the time. The music video also only includes one young man, which is what we're showing to create his star image. The video also involves a variety of camera shots, including close ups, wide shots and panning. These are all shots we are also using. The editing will also be similar as shots fade into eachother which we will be doing in our music video.

This video is also similar to ours as the video involves dark colours throughout, which is what we're doing in our video to show the darkness in his head. The video also only involves the artist to create a star image for him and attract his target audience, which in our video we are also doing. The video also includes a variety of editing techniques which we are also doing and it uses an extreme close up and the camera pans across the artist. These are all techniques which we are also capturing in our video to make it the best and intriguing video we can.

Thursday, 14 September 2017

New music video idea

Our choice of song is Day n Nite by Kid Cudi. We chose this because we all really enjoy this song and love the meaning behind the song.

The video will be filmed in the day and night, with a variety of locations, and there will also be a variety of camera shots used for different purposes. Our editing will also change from day to night when the appropriate occasion arises. The storyline behind the song is that three separate ideas and has depression and are alone in the day and night. These three people take drugs to try to create the illusion of happiness to make their lives better. We will be using time lapsing videos for when he uses drugs. We will be lip synching to the lyrics and the storyline will follow the lyrics.

Wednesday, 13 September 2017

Music Video Tips

-The essential idea of what we are doing is manufacturing a band for a song, and this will be that bands first release, and it is our job to make the video successful.
-We will start with the image of the band, ensuring that their style is fit for the style of the song and that they know how to play the instruments required so they can realistically mime the track. Then we can create a concept for the video that will blend well with the music.
-The band we are creating obviously has no fan base, so It is up to us to get them out their via various marketing techniques and digipacks.
-The best type of music video contains three different narrative strands, a performance element, which the label thinks vital as it acts as, a fail save. A lip sync element, just simply singing in a situation with very few props. Lastly, a narrative element, the story, which will be led by the genre and style. The music video will then consist of constant cutting between these narrative strands, this keeps the video exciting and interesting.
-We were advised to make a ‘Mood Film’ or prezi this involves a set of images or a simple video to create a short film to demonstrate the ideas for the final product. This helps clarify the idea and helps identify potential problems.

Music videos are used to help a musician or band promote a song or an album. Think of a music video as an advertisement for the musician. Thanks to cheap digital video equipment and YouTube, there is no excuse for a musician to not have a music video out for the world to see. With so many music videos out there, it is worth exploring the idea of analysing a music video.

Something to consider, first and foremost, is that music videos are more than just music. The video part of a music video is what truly sets it apart from a song by itself. The video contains messages that the musician wants to convey to the audience. The music video director has chosen to show a story of lifestyle about the musician that will appeal to the audience. The artist is selling more than just a song… they’re selling you a lifestyle, presumably the lifestyle the artist he or herself live in.

- Is the music video based on real life, or does it take place in a fantasy world?
- Consider how the musician is dressed – is that how regular people dress?
- Consider the actions taken by the artist in the video – would they really do these things in real life?
- What is the benefit for the musician to portray himself or herself this way?
- Does the video portray people in stereotypical ways? Are these reflections of real people or are they just of sided characters?
Consider the editing – How does the frequency of cuts from shot to shot affect how you feel about the video?
- Consider the setting – why did the director choose this location or setting?

Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Tips for making a better video from 'No Film School'

I watched no film school in my lesson and I learnt how to use different cuts and how to make it work in a music video. This would help me achieve a better video and a better grade. I watched snippets of shots from 'Stranger Things' and '13 reasons why' and gained the following to improve my work:
  • control of the camera
  • the way in which panning, tilting, focus pull and zooming, and how they are used to create a meaning.
  • Length of shot duration- it's fine to play around with the same shot, feature it once in slow motion and then again in quick cut. Repetition of shots is accepted in a music video but the edit should be different. If a music video is slow paced, it's fine for a shot to last a long time as long as there is variety in the camera movement, e.g. pans, tilts.
  • Lighting is key for creating meaning- as we see in 'stranger things', a dark subject matter e.g. sci-fi, went lit in a certain way in setting mood or a tone. Therefore in a music video, you would use bright colours and lighting if it's an uplifting song.
  • To show movement of a character, it's best to film them from left hand side to right as it shows progression. Jump cuts can also be used more frequently in music videos.

Watching this clip has helped me learn how to improve my music video. They explain how to use subject framing and how important it is as it shows emotional and physical progression or regression, the framing of your subject can communicate a lot about your character's emotional and physical journey. I can use this in my music video as I can show the hero in the music video and the villain.
I've also learnt how to improve my lighting in my video as I should use natural light when possible and turn off tungsten interiors to avoid mixed colour temperatures. This will make the lighting in the video determine the tone.